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Invoices and Invoicing

What are invoices? Invoices are the bills that a company sends to its customers for the products or services that they have purchased. These invoices typically include the date of the purchase, the amount owed, the due date, and the customer’s account information. It is very easy to create and send invoices in Blixo. It can even be done automatically using a subscription.

How to create an invoice on Blixo

From the Blixo sidebar click on “Invoices”


From this screen you can filter previously created invoices by clicking the down arrow next to “Filter” to display filtering options.

Also from this screen you can create a new invoice. Either by clicking the “Add Invoice” button or by clicking on “Create a new one” at the bottom of the page.

Either option will bring you this window
Here you can fill out information for:
Company (should be already filled out)
Customer (list of customers will be populated from names in Costumes)
ID (optional, add an id number or one will automatically be generated)
Bill To (customer’s name and mailing info)
Ship To (customer’s name and mailing info)
Date (set date of invoice creation)

Next area is Line Items
Here you can add items / services , quantity and cost, and you can also categorize them into sections
Line Items:

You can add items and rate by clicking on the corresponding buttons: Item or Section

Once you done with the line items you can then add tax and discounts, as well as add any attachments ,

After you are done don’t forget to Save as draft or Save and issue as send to customer
Another thing you can do from the invoice homepage is click the pencil icon to edit what is displayed, the circular icon is to refresh page.

And finally you can change what you view from the tabs

Outstanding invoices
Past due invoices
Paid invoices
And all invoices.